Given that around a third of all files available via torrent trackers are pirated content such as books, music, and TV shows, cybercriminals see this type of torrents as a very easy way to spread malware onto the computers of unsuspecting victims.
Mind the Vikings Torrent
Once a malware-ridden torrent is opened, it might start injecting ads in the victim's web browsers or mine for various cryptocurrencies, or start exfiltrating sensitive information to servers controlled by malicious actors.
As discovered by Kaspersky, the top three TV shows most used in malware attacks against users who download pirated TV episodes via torrent are Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead and Arrow, with the former accounting for roughly 17% of all infected torrents even though no new episodes were released during last year.
Here's the entire menu, and keep in mind that 5,000-plus people would pass through the three dining halls between 4:15 and 6:30 to gobble every bit. Hannelore M. Dawson, manager of planning and nutrition in the university dining service bannered it a ``Fabulous French Feast for Five Thousand.'' Also keep in mind that students from 18 to 22 are usually considered the world's worst eaters.
The terrain is hilly enough to remind us that the White Mountains are up the road. Enormous outcroppings of granite, stands of pine, and trickling streams that can turn into a torrent when the snows are melting further north. 2ff7e9595c